House - "2001 - A Space Odyssey" (the search for more space...)

Sequence of pictures looking north-west showing the development of the house.

Plans by Hawkesbury Valley Homes.

Photos at each stage:

Demolition to floor level
July-September 2001
Demolition to floor level.
Floor level to ground floor wall frames
September-October 2001
Floor level to ground floor wall frames.
First floor and roof framing
October 2001
First floor and roof framing.
Weatherboards and verandah
October-November 2001
Weatherboards and verandah
Lockup, plumbing, wiring
November-December 2001
Lockup, plumbing, wiring
Internal linings
December 2001-February 2002
Internal linings
Painting and sanding
March 2002
Painting and sanding
Moving in
March-April 2002
Moving in
Postscript: May 2003
New driveway