

Details for dive number 93

Dive number Date Site Location Area Country Wreck Freshwater Depth (m) Bottom time (min) Total time (min) Divers Quality Summary Equipment
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14 Apr 1982 Rondo Eileanan Glasa, Sound of Mull Mull Scotland Wreck site 40 15 25 Iain Hosking, Susan Playfair Four stars Deepest yet. Straight down to 40m. Black as pitch (no torches). Up to 30m where we were surrounded by a shoal of hundreds of fish. Usual acrobatics - passed Geoff and Mike, then on up to do planned 5 minute stops at 10m & 5m. Calm morning, water and air warm. Great start to the day (it pissed down afterwards). own, except for Eric's Ulyxes death gauge