

Details for dive number 532

Dive number Date Site Location Area Country Wreck Freshwater Depth (m) Bottom time (min) Total time (min) Divers Quality Summary Equipment
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28 Mar 2010 Cape Solander Round from Inscription Point, Kurnell Sydney Australia 12 47 47 Iain Hosking, Brendan Hosking, Cameron Hosking Two stars Some wave action. Poor vis at the surface; better below. Didn't find any weedy sea dragons, but Brendan found an octopus and Cameron a cuttlefish. Shoal of large, sleek fish with a yellow stripe along the sides. Took some photos demonstrating how green and murky it was. Must find some new sites. Dry-type suit, 82 cu ft, Arctic, 2 weight belts. Hired BCs and weights from Abyss. Cameron wore my wetsuit and Brendan Andrew's.