

Details for dive number 490

Dive number Date Site Location Area Country Wreck Freshwater Depth (m) Bottom time (min) Total time (min) Divers Quality Summary Equipment
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28 Sep 1996 Valiant NE of Barrenjoey Light Sydney Australia Wreck site 28 20 23 Iain Hosking, Andrew Kennedy Three stars Dived with Atlantis Divers at Palm Beach ($30). Weather overcast and the sea very choppy. I began to feel a little queasy as we circled the buoy waiting for a fisherman to disconnect himself from it. Down at 28m it was mercifully still and peaceful. The vis was sufficient to see the whole wreck, and we swam once round it and inside the crew's quarters and engine room. Plenty of fish - bullseyes, stripey, yellowtail, blennies, goatfish, sergeant baker and a moray eel. Wet suit, 82 cu ft tank, Arctic & torch.