

Details for dive number 466

Dive number Date Site Location Area Country Wreck Freshwater Depth (m) Bottom time (min) Total time (min) Divers Quality Summary Equipment
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8 Aug 1991 Nonnkina Bommie Holmes Reef Australia 18 50 50 Iain Hosking, Cathy Humphries Four stars Back to the site of the first dive of the trip. 6pm and the light is going, but there's still a lot of activity. This time we were much more attuned to the Reef and knew what we were looking for. The lemon damsels look lovely against the blue of the sea floor. We saw a lionfish, several clams, clown triggerfish and a barracuda, and swam through an arch decorated with large yellow gorgonians. After circling the bommie two or three times we ended up on top, where fish darted around among pastel patches of living coral. Surfaced just as the sun was setting. New wet suit. 20lbs weight.