

Details for dive number 428

Dive number Date Site Location Area Country Wreck Freshwater Depth (m) Bottom time (min) Total time (min) Divers Quality Summary Equipment
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22 Sep 1990 Cape Solander Round from Inscription Point, Kurnell Sydney Australia 12 40 40 Iain Hosking, Bill MacFarlane Three stars Dive delayed once again by lack of BC hose (on Bill's BC) - this time I put one on but it turned out to be the burst one. Drove into Cronulla to buy another one - I suppose a spare's always handy. Very pleasant dive, with reasonable visibility. Plenty of fish - all the usual, plus groper. The highlight was a cuttlefish which ran through the most amazing colour changes - from sandy to a good imitation of pebbles and rocks, light purple/pink (sponge) to deep red and purple when he got annoyed. Also an octopus, but no weedy sea dragons. ($5 entry fee to park.) Buddy Arctic