

Details for dive number 425

Dive number Date Site Location Area Country Wreck Freshwater Depth (m) Bottom time (min) Total time (min) Divers Quality Summary Equipment
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22 Jul 1990 Oigh Sgeir Light West of Rhum Outer Hebrides Scotland 25 45 45 Iain Hosking, Graham Russell Four stars Oigh Sgeir is a flattish lump of basalt west of Rhum. Conditions absolutely perfect - the sea glassy calm, the sky blue with unlimited surface vis. We saw a panorama of the entire Outer Hebrides, from the Butt of Lewis to Barra Head. After some bowsprit-jumping Graham and I descended down a cliff of basalt pillars with an overhang at the top. A short meeting of the EUSAC headstanders was followed by a plowter along the boulder slope looking at sea cucumbers. Came upon Andy and Iain Fairbrother, then Adrian who was menaced by a crab claw on the end of a stick. Jewel anemones, nudibranchs, fish. Spent a long time watching fish feed off a sea urchin. Hilarious dive.