

Details for dive number 419

Dive number Date Site Location Area Country Wreck Freshwater Depth (m) Bottom time (min) Total time (min) Divers Quality Summary Equipment
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19 Jul 1990 Soay, East of Am Plaistir North side of Soay St Kilda Scotland 50 30 40 Iain Hosking, Ted Brindley Five stars 'Just a reef off Soay' according to John's initial description. He then mentioned an archway. It turned out to be a vertiginous descent through clear, blue water to a pebbly bottom at 50m. Ahead was the archway, with a little pile of bones in the middle. At the back of the arch were three exits - we chose the right one - tall and narrow - and then re-entered the arch through the left one. Back through the arch we followed the boulder slope to 14m. Some of the boulders were at least garage-sized, with swim-throughs. Shoal of pollack and a very shy seal topped off the dive. (Weather - overcast, blowy, occasional drizzle, but didn't matter.)