

Details for dive number 410

Dive number Date Site Location Area Country Wreck Freshwater Depth (m) Bottom time (min) Total time (min) Divers Quality Summary Equipment
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9 Jun 1990 Fairlight Manly Sydney Australia 8 60 60 Iain Hosking, Cathy Humphries Three stars Wet suit dive due to hole in drysuit cuff. Planned 'Hole in the Wall' at Avalon but sea conditions were unnerving so we decided discretion was the better part of valour and nipped down to this site which Henny knew about. An amazing site for such a shallow dive, with heaps of fish - mado, scalyfin, yellowtail, wrasse, morwong, bream, goatfish. One bit me - a cardinal wrasse I think. Henny, Cathy and I dived - Bill snorkelled. He found a porcupine fish, which became offended and puffed itself up. The terrain was interesting, with lots of overhangs and tunnels. At the end we swam over weed and seasquirts and Cathy spotted a garfish - long and thin with a pipe-like snout and a tail like a spike. Weird. Although it was winter I wasn't at all cold in the wetsuit - there's obviously life in it yet.