

Details for dive number 399

Dive number Date Site Location Area Country Wreck Freshwater Depth (m) Bottom time (min) Total time (min) Divers Quality Summary Equipment
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8 Oct 1989 Camp Cove East of Watson's Bay Sydney Australia 7 50 50 Iain Hosking, Cathy Humphries Three stars New site at picnic area next to small (but very busy) beach. Car parking a matter of luck on a hot day like today (we were lucky). Description in Tom Byron's book (p15): lots of morays, plenty of colourful nudibranchs, some lion fish and a number of giant sea slugs. We saw no morays, no nudibranchs, one lion fish (tiny) but several cuttlefish - colour changes amazing as always. They change colour if you move your hand next to them. Fish - bullseyes, mado, stripey, blennies, sweep and the scalyfin, territorial as usual. Cathy found a cowrie. Good caves at the start of the dive, full of sponges. I had buoyancy problems because of using Cathy's tank - mine no longer fits the backpack, which is sick. Hence very wet. New yoke. Cathy's tank, 28lbs.