

Details for dive number 397

Dive number Date Site Location Area Country Wreck Freshwater Depth (m) Bottom time (min) Total time (min) Divers Quality Summary Equipment
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9 Sep 1989 Tuggerah Royal National Park Sydney Australia Wreck site 45 16 32 Iain Hosking, Martin Zolfel Four stars Cockup with tank fill and neck rings meant that Max was swearing at me on the way out, but that apart it was a good dive. Max hooked the welding rod grapple into a 1 inch hole in the wreck and pulled the line in taut so that it was a short swim to the wreck. Clouds of nannegai as usual and half a dozen wobbegong. One was 7 foot long and looked pregnant, while another, 6 foot long, was tangled in a net at the prop. In Martin's words I scored 150 brownie points in the wobbegong world by setting it free, an interesting task involving twisting the net tightly around its head so it couldn't bite me while I cut the net open further down. Stopped at Frog Dive in Merrylands to buy twin bands ($55). Heaps of air next dive... Cathy's 88