

Details for dive number 392

Dive number Date Site Location Area Country Wreck Freshwater Depth (m) Bottom time (min) Total time (min) Divers Quality Summary Equipment
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18 Feb 1989 Muir Rock Bicheno Tasmania Australia 20 33 35 Iain Hosking, Mark Inall Four stars Heavy swell meant that the tunnels and swimthroughs were exhilarating, to say the least. Mark and I dived into every crevice we could find, including some dead ends, where it was necessary to brace your hands against the sides of a tunnel to avoid being plugged into the end like a cork into a bottle. First highlight was a banded stingaree, sandy-coloured, buried with only his tail and eye showing. Played with it for a while before turning our attention to a globe fish which was persuaded by Mark to inflate itself with water. I just about collapsed laughing when this spiny ball was batted towards me. In this condition it has little attitude control and it could only just move forwards. Once left in peace it deflated itself in about 10 seconds. Other life - morwongs, bastard trumpeter, white sea-urchins, Devonshire cup coral, a shoal of yellowtail, sea carp and the usual bullseyes and leatherjackets.