

Details for dive number 384

Dive number Date Site Location Area Country Wreck Freshwater Depth (m) Bottom time (min) Total time (min) Divers Quality Summary Equipment
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14 Feb 1989 Muir Rock Bicheno Tasmania Australia 15 35 35 Iain Hosking, Cathy Humphries Four stars First dive as a married couple. Arrived in Devonport 8.30 and drove over to Bicheno. In the water at 3.30pm after a very smooth boat launch and a short trip out. Visibility - probably unprecedented. Strong wave action - swell pushed us through swim-throughs between huge boulders. Heaps of fish - leatherjackets, porcupinefish (globe fish), yellowtail, trevally, wrasse, morwong, bullseyes and a ray (banded stingaree). Appetites definitely whetted, despite bad weather.