

Details for dive number 337

Dive number Date Site Location Area Country Wreck Freshwater Depth (m) Bottom time (min) Total time (min) Divers Quality Summary Equipment
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14 Apr 1987 Meldon Loch Buie Mull Scotland Wreck site 14 40 40 Iain Hosking, Mark Inall Three stars Launched at Carsaig in flat calm. Wreck easy enough to find, with rudder post above water level (on which the old boat was holed). Stern intact, with prop and rudder - wreck becomes progressively more smashed up as you go forwards. Others have said that the bows are nice, like the Thesis, but we didn't see them. We did see a wrasse and a lobster sharing a pot. Finished by swimming along the prop shaft tunnel to the end - by far the best part of the dive. It rained all the way back.