

Details for dive number 122

Dive number Date Site Location Area Country Wreck Freshwater Depth (m) Bottom time (min) Total time (min) Divers Quality Summary Equipment
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6 Aug 1982 Guns of the Bayern Scapa Flow Orkney Scotland Wreck site 36 21 21 Iain Hosking, Eric Franz Three stars Dived with Eric and Derek, and Robert's camera to finish the film. Found that using the camera was straightforward [I thought - none of the shots came out], but little time was left for actually seeing the wreck. Two turrets, each with 2 x 15 inch guns, upside down. Hatches leading into the seabed. Photographs probably cruddy [they were]. Dark. Vis 8m. own, twin 60s, Robert's camera (Nikonos III)